Musée du Louvre
Trip #1 to the Louvre! The Global Studies Paris trip works in partnership with ACCENT, a European study abroad organization. Through...
Premier Jour!
Premier Jour! First full day in France! After a quick breakfast prepared in the dorm kitchen, we headed to the park right across from...
Allons-y! Let's Go! I've been in Paris for about 12 hours now and so much has happened, it has definitely been a long day. I arrived and...
Bon Voyage!
I'm currently waiting at my gate at LAX, and I can't believe that the day is here! I'm going to Paris! It's so surreal, that a dream that...
Bonjour! Bienvenue!
Bonjour! Bienvenue! Welcome to my first blog post! I leave for Paris in just two weeks and I'm so excited to begin the adventure! I am...